Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fabric Flower Brooch

SOLD, Available for Pre-Order
The designs seen on this page are all SOLD. Kindly emil me for new orders. However, due to limited quanity of fabric and desorative parts, new designs may be created upon your order request. Thank you!

Flower Power
There was a moment ( and I believe there will always be such moments) when I love making corsages... especially fabric flower shaped ones. I just sit in front of the telly and craft them one by one. Before I know it, I've grown a garden of beautiful fabric flowers...

Kanzashi Brooch
These are made using an old japanese craft method called "Kanzashi". The Japanese craft master will make them into little floral shapes, and I mean little, about 2" in width at most. They are then bunched up into floral bouquet and being made into hairpieces to be worn with the Kimono. Very very pretty! However, I improvised the craft but enlarged it into the nitty gritty style. Mish-match my petals and adorned with cute buttons. Here's my version of the kanzashi flower! ;)
Cheerie Layered Fabric Brooch
Just like the indonesian 'Kueh Lapis' I thought it was fun to layered different mish-match prints into a flower and adorned with little button in the center. The trick here is to keep cutting many different prints into floral shapes then match them in an electic manner to form a bloom. Many of my scrapes are being used to form such pretty things... which proves that 'a little does makes a difference' in nitty gritty's crafty hands! :p

Pleats to Please
These flower-like corsages are made by pleating a long strip of fabric in a spiral manner until a desired bloom is formed. It is one of the methods that will cramped up my fingers, all that spinning and pleating and controlling really gives my skinny fingers a good work out. I thought they'd look great on formal wear, to add interest to a plain looking shirt of a jacket, even a plain bag would look fun with these!

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